
We are inspired by Luke 10:27 and we strive to uphold this command daily.

“So he answered and said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ”


We promise to give candid feedback to you & ask that you do the same.

Because love without truth is just flattery and truth without love is just mean.


If imperfections arise, we will not run from them.

We have a tab for county evaluations. Our evaluations will always be made public. We promised to love our neighbor as ourselves and we would want to know.

Character Development.

Character can take you places that you never imagined possible.

We will continuously invest in character development of our participants to maximize their growth in all aspects of life.

Academic Excellence.

Students come first in Student-Athlete for a reason.

Academics will receive the most attention and academic success will be celebrated more than athletic success.