Post-Pandemic Coaching [Making Up For Lost Time]
Coaches you will not make up for lost time by “Whipping them into shape” Have you been checking in on your players to make sure they are working out and taking care of their bodies while they are away from you? If not, you may want to call and check. Don’t just trust...
Let Them Play
Want to build the best athlete? Want your kid to grow up and be a great athlete? Let them out of the box. When they are young (elementary school) they do not need formal speed and strength training designed by a Certified Strength and Conditioning specialist like...
Put Down The Ball
Professional baseball players take up to three months off from throwing to protect their arms, why aren’t kids? Why would a grown adult need to rest but a child not need to? The answer: the kids need to too. Just because it is not happening does not mean it is not...